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Amanda’s Free Gift to You:

Free Gift #1: Shamanic Journey ~ Finding Your Place As A Leader

What does it mean for you to be a leader? What are your special talents, gifts, and wisdom that you are ready to share with the world? Discover these questions in this Shamanic Journey. Find the joy and freedom of what you have to offer now!

Click here to claim this free gift!

Free Gift #2: The Roots of Your Lineage

Connect and work with Mother Earth to heal and ground the energies of your ancestors. In this Shamanic Journey you will strengthen your own Tree of Life within you and form and strengthen your ancestor's bonds to Mother Earth for their healing.

Click here to claim this free gift!

Amanda Kulbaba initially pursued ballet and earned her BFA in Dance from York University. After experiencing several injuries and embarking on her own healing journey, she discovered her true passion for supporting others in their healing work. This led Amanda to explore the world of energy and possibilities.

Amanda is educated in various modalities and currently works as a Registered Massage Therapist (a graduate of Sutherland-Chan), Reiki Master, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Sound Healer, Reflexologist, Intuitive, and Spiritual Life Coach. She also leads ceremonial events, Shamanic Journeying, Meditation Circles, and Intuitive Courses to help others strengthen their intuitive abilities and envision their highest potential.

To learn more about Amanda’s work, please click here.