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Danielle’s Free Gift to You:
Decode Your Divine Design
Your Divine Design Type report is a channeled reading is based on your birth date and is one aspect of your full Unique Divine Design Chart, based on Divine Light Activations & Divine Numerology.
Get your Divine Design Type report now to learn what type of ascended master you are, the “illusion lie” that gets in the way of your growth, and the spiritual truth that will guide you to your highest contribution in this lifetime.
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Danielle Rama Hoffman is a 4-time best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands of conscious leaders, experts, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and adepts (established & emerging) worldwide.
She’s the co-creator (with her business partner & guide, Thoth) of many channeled bodies of work including the Multi-D Abundance Method™, Magdalene Wealth Codes, Divine Light Activation, the Magdalene Manifestation Cards deck, and a potent advanced applied spirituality temple, the Fully Realized Leader Academy, where her specialty is helping folks in their 50s, 60s, and beyond partner with Source as Source to lead the extraordinary work & life they incarnated for.
To learn more about Danielle’s work, please click here.