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Heather Linn is a quantum healer, a psychic reader, an energy coach, a spiritual teacher, and an author. After a first career as a writer & editor, Heather trained as a healer and ran a thriving healing practice in Cape Town for 15 years before focusing on her teaching role.
In 2022, Heather founded the Emerald Wisdom School to offer guidance & energy tools for the New Earth. Through the School, she offers a range of online programs & masterclasses, as well as one-to-one Soul Readings to a global audience. She is also a facilitator for the Global School for Star Children.
Heather holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in English Literature and a Master’s degree in Development Studies. She has trained extensively in the healing arts in the UK, South Africa, and the United States, and is an accredited healer with the British Alliance of Healing Associations.
Her first book, No Gold Without the Dragon: Wisdom Teachings of a Quantum Healer, was published in February 2023. The second edition was released in the US in June 2024. Heather lives in Cape Town, South Africa.
To learn more about Heather’s work, please click here.