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Joanna’s Free Gift to You:

Working With Shadow E-Book

In this FREE teaching guide, you’ll discover the myriad of (sneaky) ways the Shadow expresses itself. You’ll understand the skills and qualities you need to be effective in harnessing the profound power of Shadow work. You’ll gain a reverence for the roots of shadow in the work of Carl Jung and feel more excited than ever about the potential to become masterful at dancing with The Shadow in its many elusive forms.

Click here to claim this free gift!

Joanna Lindenbaum is the founder of the Applied Depth Institute, and teaches master level facilitation & coaching skills to coaches, healers, therapists, and speakers so they can be known as the leaders in their fields.

Using her 20+ years of experience and extensive background with coaching, human behavior, embodiment practices, and Archetype & Shadow, Joanna’s approach to ethical & trauma-informed facilitation & coaching supports her students to gain a level of skill, confidence, and depth that the majority of their peers don’t have.

Graduates of her signature Sacred Depths Practitioner Certification become the best of the best at what they do, plus they experience life-changing personal transformations as they step into this mastery level. All of this, in turn, positively impacts their businesses as their proven results then attract more renewals, referrals, and professional opportunities.

Joanna has led hundreds of retreats, workshops, and trainings with thousands of participants & clients in the US and abroad.

To learn more about Joanna’s work, please click here.