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Michelle’s Free Gift to You:
1) 7-Signs You're On The Verge of Expanding Wealth Consciousness
A free guide to find out if your money blocks are actually calling you to higher levels of consciousness, abundance, intuitive abilities, and spiritual + financial sovereignty!
Click here to claim this free gift!
2) Enter to WIN a Wealth-Activation Session!
During this 30-minute 1:1 session with Michelle, she will guide you through a quantum activation of your Signature Wealth Code — open to your spiritual gifts and receive the energetic codes, symbols, & information you need that is unique to your Soul and essential for optimal healing, transformation, & manifestation.
Entries will be accepted through December 6th, 2024. Three (3) winners will be notified during the week of December 9th, 2024.
Click here to enter!
Michelle King is a Wealth Consciousness Mentor, Metaphysician, and Intuitive Empath on a mission to support soul-led entrepreneurs to harness their intuitive & creative power to transform their relationship with money so that they can fulfill their calling and truly thrive.
She believes money challenges are invitations to integrate higher consciousness and elegantly develop our abilities to direct spiritual power — all while providing the perfect conditions to grow in acceptance of the human experience, open up to next-level spiritual gifts, and embody the fullest expression of “Worthy-Whole-Wealthy Being”.
Her proprietary Wealth Expansion Method is specifically designed in partnership with The Quantum Field of Absolute Potential to help clients release lack, breakthrough income thresholds, and realize greater levels of freedom & fulfillment. She weaves spiritual awareness, experience, and practical metaphysical tools to catalyze client transformation on every level. You can partner with her in BOLD Wealth Leader — a 1:1 mentorship program for visionaries, change agents, and heart-centered leaders who want to make quantum leaps in income, intuitive abilities, energy leadership, and business success.
A powerful ally, teacher, and guide for those navigating advanced transitions & upgrades on the intuitive path of aligned contribution & truth, Michelle encourages you wherever you are on your unique journey to surrender to your intuition and decide to thrive because we need more spiritually & financially resourced leaders expressing what IS possible for I-WE-All.
To learn more about Michelle’s work, please click here.